As much as I love school, we´ve just made it to the fall break. To kick off the break I met up with some other exchange students in Düsseldorf, where we hung out by the Rhein River. This morning I managed to wake up, check the time then panic as it was already half past nine making me late for school. This panic was quickly replaced with the sweet sweet vaction relaxation, as well as coffee and really good sweet bread. Later I went to the park to hang out with what started with 10 other kids, but quickly turned into about 50. I met a bunch of new kids and hang out with some of the ones I´ve already met.Tomorrow we are driving to The Nederlands, where we will get onto a 120x20ft sail boat and sail up and down the coast of Holland. I am super excited to be able to do this with my host brother Mark and his Kayaking Club, and I am even more excited after seeing these pictures!
We return from the sailing trip Friday night I believe, then spend saturday at home, but on Sunday we will drive for about 7 hours or so down to Bavaria where we will see Harry´s family and the famous Neuschwanstein Castle. I´m pretty excited for that as well :).